2025 Kiki Dc Timetable
To ensure your child gets the most out of dance and reaches a level of excellence we recommend you enrol them in the suggest number of classes noted below. Students are welcome to do less than the recommended amount however they may not progress at the same rate as others in their class, and as exercises increase in difficulty they may struggle, or not be allowed to participate for safety reasons.
Some classes are allocated by age and others are by ability and experience. Some classes are only suitable for students doing the recommended number of hours per week. It is very important that young students are in the correct age group, as the developmental levels are extremely diverse in these first years of dance.
The following recommendations ensure ballet is taught in a safe manner. At Kiki Dance Collective we believe that classical ballet is the key to all styles of dance, and students who excel in contemporary and hip hop do so based on their ballet training. We encourage all students to enrol in ballet and keep their ballet training up throughout the years.
Little Stars 3 - Must enrol in ballet to enrol in beats.
Junior, Sub Inter, Inter and Sub Senior - Compulsory minimum of 2 ballet classes per week.
Senior & Advanced - Recommended minimum 2 ballets a week.